Wear Your Whole Closet Challenge
Direct l Write l Produce l Shoot l Edit
“Americans throw out 14 million tons of clothing each year — 80 pounds per person — with a final destination commonly being landfills or incinerators.” ~Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) – 2012
In order to make change with a social issue there are two routes: Build up advocacy and demand reform or create awareness and provide an educational solution. To combat excessive waste that was damaging the environment, we chose the latter.
The Wear Your Whole Closet Challenge (WYWCC) messaging wasn’t a heavy-handed environmental push. Instead, the focus was on bettering yourself by cleaning out your closet. Although the project used a lifestyle tone, the intended inherent benefit was a change in purchase behaviors that would create fewer impulse clothing purchases and hopefully decrease that 80 pounds per person statistic.
A short brand video and website were launched to serve as the home base for communications. Daily posts were disseminated with custom photography and copy, all amplified via Instagram, Facebook and the WYWCC newsletter (Mailchimp).
After 6 months, the challenge concluded with with articles in the LA Times and Popsugar for increased exposure.