Our Human Narrative

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Idea: Encourage people in their teens, 20’s and 30’s to use their phones to record oral histories from older generations.

Reason: Everyday we lose more and more of the Greatest Generation and older Boomers. People that experienced world wars and drafts, economic collapses and prosperity. Without their stories, from their own mouths, we risk losing a sense of our identity. This is known as Our Human Narrative. At the same time, we are also experiencing what seems to be an unprecedented period of fear and decisiveness. Facts are being twisted, and sometimes completely ignored.

Plan: We now have a generation of documentarians that use their phones to tell stories everyday. By encouraging them to tap into the older generations, they will not only be able to preserve Our Human Narrative, which will be passed on for generations to come, but will also begin to understand that the issues we are dealing with aren’t new.

Our Human Narrative

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